ONEmanCAMERA.com is the portfolio site for me, Jeffrey Watson Potter, aka “ONEmanCAMERA” - so named because it's just me and a camera, nothing fancy. Here you’ll find examples of my work and details about my documentary project in Nepal, Because we were born here . . .
Thanks for your patience as I work to transfer my former site and expand content. A new online "gallery" of video and film clips is up and running via YouTube. The photo galleries are funcional, but more explanation and photos will be added over the coming months. The design section is currently in development and will feature jpeg and PDF examples of my print design work. I expect to maintain two sites until this site is complete and I transfer my domain in early 2013.
Jeffrey Potter is graduate of NYU Film School and holds a Master's degree in the Languages and Cultures of Asia from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He was a Peace Corps volunteer in Nepal from 1994-96 and a Fulbright scholar to Nepal from 2001-2002. He has lived in Asia, including Nepal, for nearly five years. He currently lives with his wife and daughters in Madison, WI where he works for Wisconsin Public Radio. He continues the Because we were born here project . . . and will return to the community in Nepal in October 2012.